October 4, 2023

Hypersonic Missiles for US, Australian & Even Israeli? Subs

Some interesting hypersonic snippets on US led hypersonic missile developments.

Under AUKUS Pillar 2

The AUKUS partners will work together to accelerate development of advanced hypersonic and counter-hypersonic capabilities.” [Official AUKUS Fact Sheet, April 5, 2022].  Also see Wiki.

Australia and the US have been cooperating on the development of hypersonic missiles since 2020 after signing an agreement to "flight test full-size prototype hypersonic cruise missiles" under the [Boeing and Lockheed Martin preliminary designed Southern Cross Integrated Flight Research Experiment (SCIFiRE). contract] [97][98][99]

Lockheed Martin Awarded $1.1 Billion Initial Contract To Provide Nation's First Sea-Based Hypersonic [Conventional Prompt] Strike Capability: February 17, 2023 … [Conventional Prompt Strike] CPS shares a common [integrated support system] AUR with the Army LRHW and can be launched from multiple platforms including surface ships, submarines, and land-based mobile launchers.


“Leading Hypersonic Solutions"

"Lockheed Martin is partnering with DARPA, the U.S. Air Force, the U.S. Army, and the U.S. Navy to transition hypersonic concepts to operational reality. Discover why hypersonics are a key to battlefield supremacy and an essential element in national defense."

[In the Youtube, uploaded by LM in 2022, here and above] 

"Lockheed Martin’s Chief Technology Officer and VP Steve Walker and VP, Advanced Program Development, Space Eric Scherff explain the advantages of hypersonic systems and Lockheed Martin's expertise in scaling complex weapon systems and leadership in hypersonics.”


Tomorrow we'll take a look at the US (Boeing)-Israeli Arrow 3 Hypersonic missile. "The missile's reported flight range is up to 2,400 km"  and

"Another advantage mentioned was the ability to launch the Arrow 3 from advanced missile boats." 

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