October 6, 2023

AI and NSA Software Programs

I often comment as Pete on the US IntelNews website.

Sometimes comments do not get through - as with IntelNews article NSA, CIA senior officials address artificial intelligence threats and opportunities of Oct 2, 2023. 

So, having no contact with any intelligence agency, anywhere, I’ll attempt to comment on that Oct 2 article now. 

I assume it likely the NSA utilizes Artificial Intelligence (AI) to develop very large software programs for cyber defensive and cyber offensive purposes. 

Defensively software programs, created with AI assistance, might be able to detect, isolate and further react to major cyber-attacks much more quickly than human "cyberwarriors" have been previously able. 

Offensively AI could be helping develop and then deploy large programs, of a magnitude or two of lines of code larger than the widely publicized Stuxnet program

Stuxnet reputedly spread beyond the intentions of its creators. So there would need to be failsafe software limits preventing partial AI developed cyber programs spreading.

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