March 9, 2022

Dangers Hosting East Coast Nuclear Submarine Base

The wisdom is: "don't worry Australia is only talking about developing nuclear propelled submarines, not nuclear armed submarines".

However, the 3 cities Morrison short-listed as possible choices to host an East Coast Nuclear Submarine Base have valid concerns, on at least 3 counts.

1.  The reactors bought from the UK or US, to be used in these Australian submarines will contain nuclear weapons grade Highly Enriched Uranium (HEU). See page 20 of this publication, where it states:

"The nuclear submarines of the U.S. and the UK are propelled by nuclear reactors fuelled with the best nuclear weapon-usable material, HEU enriched to 93-97 percent or more." 

In itself this may only be a low rated safety problem. However terrorists, insider sabotage or even conventional Chinese submarine launched missiles blowing up the reactors of these Australian submarines might spread radiation over a wide city area. See radiological warfare.  

2.  An Australian East Coast Nuclear Submarine Base is expected to host visits of UK and US nuclear submarines that carry cruise missiles. The UK and US will neither confirm nor deny their submarines are carrying nuclear weapons. There are increasing discussions that warheads of some Tomahawk or other cruise missiles carried by these submarines may be nuclear armed. See:

"Reports from early 2018 state that the U.S. Navy is considering (re)introducing a (yet unknown type of) nuclear-armed cruise missile into service." 

3. Russian and Chinese plans for nuclear warfare, work on a list of targets based on priorities. An Australian East Coast Nuclear Submarine Base that may even host nuclear armed UK and US submarines, would be high on the Russian or Chinese nuclear missile hit list.


Anonymous said...

Wedge countered? There are some pointed references to transparency and failures in submarine procurement in this leaked speech from Albanese today. Will we see an interim sub option?

The suggestion of building an extra three air warfare destroyers in the frigate delay period is surprising and welcome.

BOB said...

Hi Peter,

I understand your Blog is primarily about Subs, but I wanted to ask...

Whats your thoughts on the Nuclear weapons Conundrum ?
Or the potential of Australia creating a TRIAD of delivery systems?

Ie Ground: Silo ICBM, Air: Cruise Missile/Bomb, Naval: Cruise Missile.

The entire idea of spending huge sums of money on Nuclear submarines with only conventional weapons when the PRC has & Indonesia will eventually surpass Australia Economically/Militarily seems to me atleast insane.

Whats the point in torpedoing enemy shipping or launching a dozen cruise missiles when the PRC could target fleet base East or West (or other population center) with nuclear weapons that Australia wont know have been launched until they impact?


Pete said...

Hi Anonymous [at Mar 10, 2022, 8:10:00 AM]

See my response penned today, March 10, 2022, at

Regards Pete

Pete said...

Hi BOB [at Mar 10, 2022, 12:36:00 PM]

Luckily this blog also deals with nuclear weapons. I was trained up by an expert on India's nuclear weapon triad over a decade ago. Then another Indian nuclear weapon expert replaced him. Funny how the Indians have given me continuing access.

As Albo's speech has dominated my writing today I aim to do an article in response to your questions tomorrow. Some reference will be made to Albanese's mention of Collins subs perhaps fielding Tomahawk missiles.

