Despite constant discipline problems on UK Royal Navy (RN) subs (not necessarally involving women) on: April 8, 2011, October 3, 2017, October 9, 2017, November 2, 2020 and February 9, 2021.
The RN can look to the success of woman submariners in other navies. See some below:
1. "Viking" navies
1a. Norwegian Navy
The Norwegian Navy was the world’s first Navy to allow women in submarines, in 1985. It was/is also the first navy to have had a female Submarine Commander, Captain Solveig Krey (below) in 1995 in KNM Kobben.
1b. Swedish Navy
/Kjell has pointed to this reference indicating Commander Paula Wallenburg (above) captained HSwMS Södermanland from 2010. Paula enlisted as a sonar operator on a submarine in 1995.
from a Swedish
source 2008 female crew members on Swedish submarines work under
the same conditions as men.
In the early 2000s the then Lt. Commander Paula
Wallenburg served as an officer on attack sub HSwMS
She was also attached as an observer on US attack
sub USS
Jefferson City (SSN-759). There she found some US crew uncomfortable
with a woman on-board.
“Things got better as time went on. They usually
do." says Wallenburg.
2. German Navy
Aboard the small Type 212A sub Officer Asseln sleeps in the same room as the male officers - who respect her privacy and also know her boyfriend is a huge bloke from the German Special Forces.
- 19:30 female Seaperson or Petty Officer? sonar operator? seated;
26:33 - 27:08 now standing emergency drill backup medic,
- 30:18 Seaperson and Officer Ludwig standing: also 31:25 Ludwig part of surfacing drill.
3. Australian Navy
2019 marked the 20th year of women in Australian submarines.
20 years ago, former Able Seaman Communication and Information Systems Submariner Rachel Irving became Australia's first female submariner when she was awarded her ‘Dolphins’ on 30 June 1999.
Most people serving in today's Submarine Force wouldn't remember submarines without female submariners. Over the past 20 years, women have served below the surface as officers and sailors across the spectrum of submarine employment categories.
The Australian Navy in 1998 was the first non-Scandinavian country to allow women to serve aboard their submarines.
The Australian Navy started off by focusing on gender diversity and doing things that now seem dated, but were actually quite challenging for the Navy of the day.

Former and current female submariners together in the junior sailor's cafe on board HMAS Sheean to celebrate the 20th anniversary of women in Australian submarines, at Fleet Base West, HMAS Stirling, Western Australia. Pete suspects the tall bald one at the back, with a beard, isn't a woman :)

(Photo courtesy US Navy via
Julia Bergman,
"One of First Females to Join the
Silent Service: 'I'm Excited to See the Day When Women Being on Submarines is
Not a Surprise to People.'
"...Female officers like [Jeanne] Van Gilder, a lieutenant commander
assigned to the fast attack submarine USS Minnesota based in Groton, have
served aboard submarines since 2011. Enlisted women began their training in
2015 and started reporting to submarines a year later.
Previously, the Navy had dedicated windows for female sailors to
apply to convert their careers into submarine ratings. Now, new volunteers are
able to apply on a continuous basis, just like men. Starting in 2021,
Virginia-class attack submarines will have "gender neutral
accommodations," separate chiefs' quarters and berthing for men and women.
335 women -- 97 officers and 238 enlisted sailors -- are serving on [USN] submarines,
making up about 5% of the silent service.
"We're still a small percentage. There's not that many of
us, so we're kind of our own little club," Van Gilder said, adding that
the integration of women aboard submarines has gone "extremely well."
When she reported to the guided missile submarine USS Florida
based in Kings Bay, Ga., "I was old news," Van Gilder said. Women
already had been serving on the boat for a few years. "It was the
norm," she said.
She was among the first group of female officers who helped
serve as mentors to the enlisted women as they reported to submarines already
integrated, helping them to adjust to life in a steel tube under the water, and
providing advice to senior male officers who may not have served with females
"I definitely feel a responsibility to prove all the
naysayers wrong," Van Gilder said. "That doesn't necessarily change
the way I act. I'm going to act in a professional manner and I want to do my
job well for me, but I'm certainly aware of the specific spotlight on myself
and other women in the Navy to prove the naysayers are wrong."
By all accounts, the transition has gone smoothly with a few
exceptions. A dozen male sailors were prosecuted in 2015 for secretly
videotaping female officers and trainees as they undressed on board the
ballistic missile submarine USS Wyoming. And in May of last year, Navy leaders
fired Capt. Gregory R. Kercher, commanding officer of Florida's "Gold
Crew," for failing to fully investigate a sexually explicit list targeting
female crewmembers.
Those incidents appear not to have impacted retention. An
analysis by the Associated Press in 2018 found that the retention rate [after 5 years initial enlistment?] for
female submariners was on par with that of their male counterparts -- about 26%
and 27%, respectively. And numbers provided by the Navy for this article show
that trend has continued.
In June 2020, Van Gilder reported to the Minnesota as the boat's
engineering officer, a job that involves overseeing the maintenance and
operation of the nuclear reactor on board, and leading the 50 to 60 sailors --
a little more than one-third of the crew -- who are assigned to the engineering
Looking ahead, she said, "I'm excited to see the day when women being on submarines is not a surprise to people.""
Hi Pete,
Sweden's first female submarine commander was Paula Wallenburg she started as sonar operator in 1995.
Hi Pete
On Jan/22/2020, the first female submarine crew candidate joined the Submarine Training Center (STC, Kure-city, Hiroshima, Japan) as a student., and five female JMSF members joined STC on Feb/26/2020.
Interview of four petty officers (A-D) and a leading seaman (E).
Training of five female members in a training submarine JS Michishio had finished on Oct/29/2020.
Dear Pete,
here is an older youtube about a German submarine now with full English translation:
So in case you didn't notice her at first sight, the woman is also spoken by an English speaking woman.
Another topic: steel hull vs. diamagnetic stell hull.
How often does a Diesel only submarine have to snorkel? This is independent of battery type. A submarine can stay submerged for a longer period with better batteries but then has to snorkel for a longer period.
Thanks /Kjell
I've now used your info for ""Women Good on Subs" Swedish section of the text above.
Thanks MHalblaub
I've now used your info for the new Youtube video for German Navy part of "Women Good on Subs"
Hi Anonymous [at February 17, 2021 at 8:43 AM]
1. Thanks for Japanese
and for of October 29, 2020 for which I see "Women have been postponed because the [Japanese Navy] submarines are too small to maintain privacy, but the Ministry of Defense lifted gender restrictions in 2018.
2. Are there any Internet reports of woman on Operational Japanese submarines? If so which submarines?
3. Youtubes/videos of Japanese woman serving in named submarines would be interesting.
Hi again MHalblaub
I'll shift your question:
"Another topic: steel hull vs. diamagnetic stell hull.
How often does a Diesel only submarine have to snorkel? This is independent of battery type. A submarine can stay submerged for a longer period with better batteries but then has to snorkel for a longer period.
over to
Hi Pete [at February 17, 2021 at 11:06 AM]
Currently, there is not internet reports of woman on Operational Japanese submarines. Considering the facility for women, female crew are likely to be assigned to Taigei [1]. (HP of JSMDF, features of Taigei)
“In response to the lifting of restrictions on the placement of female SDF personnel on submarines, we are supporting the work of female SDF personnel by providing partitions in the living quarters to secure bedrooms for women and by installing curtains in the passages of shower rooms.”
Hi Anonymous on women in Japanese submarines
Thanks for your information at February 17, 2021 at 8:43 AM and at 12:40 PM.
I will turn it into a future article.
In Spain, women have been serving in submarines since 1998-1999. But the first female officer just joined the fleet last summer, in june 2020. There are plenty of news articles about her in the Spanish Media. I leave you one:
Thanks Anonymous
For your February 18 advice on the late Argentine naval officer Eliana Krawczyk who was on ARA San Juan when it sank.
I covered the San Juan sinking at the time but never knew one of its crew was female.
The Navy Hymn for Submariners is fitting .
Thanks Anonymous
For your February 17 comment. I will include Laura Vitalia González Martínez, first female submarine officer in the Spanish Navy, in a future article on women in subs.
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