October 5, 2020

Trump Exposes His Staff in Drive-By

Trump's joyride on, October 4th, to wave to supporters outside Walter Reed Hospital, shocked health experts and other sensible people. 

Trump reasons, that as he is The Boss, normal quarantine measures, to minimize risk to others, don't apply to a great man, like him. 

"It also sums up why his approval ratings have been stuck below 50 per cent through his entire presidency and why he is significantly trailing Democratic nominee Joe Biden in the polls less than a month before election day.

Trump's willingness to ROPE IN SEVERAL SECRET SERVICE AGENTS TO SIT IN A CAR WITH HIM so that he could wave to supporters outside Walter Reed Medical Centre [yesterday], shocked medical experts who said HE HAD ENDANGERED LIVES.

[The car is hermetically sealed, for security reasons, thus increasing the chances Trump’s breath and feverish sweat will infect people inside the car].

"Every single person in the vehicle during that completely unnecessary presidential 'drive-by' just NOW HAS TO BE QUARANTINED FOR 14 DAYS," tweeted James Phillips, an attending physician at Walter Reed.

"They might get sick. THEY MAY DIE. FOR POLITICAL THEATRE. Commanded by Trump to put their lives at risk for theatre. This is insanity."

Explaining what she would do if Trump were her patient and suggested such a ride, Dr Leana Wen, a visiting health professor at George Washington University, said: "I'd call security to restrain him then perform a psychiatric evaluation to examine his decision-making capacity."

MORE SEE http://www.smh.com.au/world/north-america/trump-s-reckless-joyride-tops-bible-holding-photo-opp-in-washington-20201005-p5622b.html


Here is Trump  https://youtu.be/CS4pGkfF37Q risking the health of the staff in his car, while he drives by the crowd for political gain. This was only 40 hours into Walter Reed Hospital quarantine - that he broke. Also see the Youtube below.


Anonymous said...

Desire for power is source of strength for politician. Boris Yeltsin, suffered from myocardial infraction, won the Presidential race in Russia. Coronavirus is nothing compared with myocardial infraction.

EK Badwar said...

So it is obvious that Pete is rooting for the Dems.

Pete said...

Hi Anonymous at October 5, 2020 at 4:07 PM]

Re Trump. Yeltsin also turned into a drunk.

Just imagine a second term of TrArmPit!



Pete said...

Hi EK Badwar

Yep. Integrity, truth, justice and the SuperJoe way suggests Biden.

Harris also appears better than the largely mute robotic Pence.


GhalibKabir said...

Pence is even more dangerous than trump. trump is opportunistic narcissist.

Pence is a dangerous fanatic and unlikely to be swayed by anything...very dangerous..

infact him and macconnell are the kind of whelps satan would have shuddered to sire and indeed possibly preferred a vasectomy instead if he knew the impact these two would have had.

Pete said...

Hi GhalibKabir

The Pence/Trump issue is almost like the Good German General/Extremist Leader issue.

I think Pence is decent, But he comes packaged with an Extremist President.

Pence is like a decent, moral, Rommel, But Rommel had to inextricably work for his Extremist Boss/Führer.

If Trump dies or is disabled by Covid, Before November 3rd, then Pence would most likely step up as the Republican candidate https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twenty-fifth_Amendment_to_the_United_States_Constitution

Pence might then win the Presidency


If Trump, hangs on, through November 3rd, as the well known Extremist Candidate who Also has Covid then Trump will almost certainly lose.
- Unless Trump cheats/ignores America's Constitutional Rule of Law.



GhalibKabir said...

Pete, Let me disabuse of this notion about pence being a decent guy.
trump is being opportunistic to stay in power. i will take trump if the choice is between the 2. trump is an opportunistic, narcissistic nut, but not a religious nut/whack job.

This 'man' pence, is an extremist xtian talibani wahabi packaged in a slick suit. pence truly believes in the xtian version of a sharia state. He is a terrifying 'puritan'.
(Look at his latest SCOTUS recommendation, a deathly frightening spectre it is)

pence truly thinks the US should run according to the bible. He is the definition of big government in the bedroom. He is all for bedroom surveillance state, the true big government so to speak. He alongside mcconnell has driven a coach and horses through the church-state separation statute of the US constitution through court packing.

He stopped funding for AIDS treatment when he governed Indiana and has very a weird idea about fidelity to his wife (read about all the mommy karen pence jokes on the net). He is so misogynistic that one has to frankly go to Judea circa 30 AD to get an equivalent.

PS: I refuse to capitalize and address this odious rascal's name. pence and mcconnell will feature prominently in history textbooks when kids learn lessons about America's demise as a great power 50 years down the line.

EK Badwar said...

Belatedly,my reply is the Dems are fond of licking Chinese arses.Social issues aside Trump is more favourable to my country India.

Pete said...

Hi GhalibKabir

Many US Republican Presidents and VPs have been more religious than most Western leaders, often Republican "moral" policies get watered down in practice.

Espousing Christian policies was also on Reagn's agenda and he turned out to one of the best recent Presidents.

Compared to Trump's ignorance/alienation to standard leadership behaviors (eg. Trump's inability to listen) Pence looks OK.

Check out this account of the Mike-Karen Pence relationship https://www.businessinsider.com/mike-pence-marriage-wife-karen-2017-10?r=AU&IR=T

Whats the Indian-Hindu religious attitude to LGBT, funding for AIDS, attitudes to abortion etc?



Pete said...

EK Badwar [October 10, 2020 at 2:29 AM ]

1. In the only direct fighting between US and CPP-Chinese forces

it was the US Democrat, Harry S. Truman, who was President. Read history of the Chinese

offensive in the Korean War (starting 1950)

2. When Biden wins, his half Indian VP, Kamala Harris, may be part of an even better deal for India.

GhalibKabir said...

Pete@October 12, 2020 at 7:00 PM

I will respectfully disagree on the implied 'religious but harmless' bit about Reagan and all GOP Presidents since 1980 in fact. It is a very dangerous thing to believe in.

The fact remains that the informal gop-churches faustian bargain was stuck in 1968 in response to the 1965 voting rights and civil rights act. The Southern Strategy that LBJ foresaw is now reaching its crest 50 years later. virulent racist evangelism was and is at the heart of the gop revival. LBJ was almost in prophetic in foreseeing the backlash in the South for the 1965 laws. He predicted dems being wiped for 3 generations and was right.

1980 was the turning point. Reagan made anti-science, anti-intellectualism popular (prominent example incl. small stuff like taking down the solar panels put up by Carter in WH). Then Reagan-Bush Sr Duo appointed Scalia, Thomas to the court and elevated Rehnquist as CJ. The next turn was in 1994 with gingrich-mcconnell taking forward the 'scorched earth' gop votes only for legislation policy.

Bush Jr appointed roberts, alito and swung the court right resulting in the voting rights act getting gutted, second amendment being misinterpreted and mangled beyond salvage, the ACA hobbled with so many religious exemptions etc...

Bottomline is this, racist supremacist centric evangelical xtianity has been at the heart of the gop's ruin the K-12 school system to create three generations of critical thinking impaired lemmings to ensure the 'gop turkeys' always vote for thanksgiving and xmas. betsy devos and the current health secretary have jointly ruined whatever was left of the education system and health care system...so 35-40% of americans buy any 'yarn' spun by trump and co and think it to be the gospel truth. they are stupid thanks to the churches.

So when I say pence is a maniac fanatic religious nut, i rely on reams and reams of his own actions and words to arrive at the inevitable conclusion. pence can make satan scarper to the nearest dunny and crap granite bricks in fright. nothing remotely nice about him..

Pete said...

Hi GhalibKabir

A man is entitled to his convictions and I hope Trump,

out of office, serves time for every one of them.



GhalibKabir said...

I doubt it, trump will get away because a lot of crooks who benefited from his cronyist administration want that.

Through the unelected scotus trump has just inflicted another generation of 'minority rule' on the US. Assuming the senate mostly stays in gop hands thanks to gerrymandering, ruthless tricks to enforce minority rule will be enforced, irrespective of the dangers of pre-1965 apartheid era america's ghosts being resurrected in the process.

hate combined with serious belief in victimhood narratives is more powerful than crystal meth. the churches have cluster effed the social fabric of america for a good 3 decades more with their malevolent cultural vandalism nee genocide (they are at it in one way or the other since 1619). this is a serious accusation with volumes and volumes of written down proof over centuries to show how the flames of slavery, racism, & apartheid have all been fueled by the clergy/extremist leadership. evangeliban i call them.

Pete said...

Hi GhalibKabir
at October 15, 2020 at 4:40 PM

Yes Incoming Presidents tend to extend pardons/amnesties to the Outgoing. Seems to be a Head of State above the law assumption.

I'm pretty certain Biden will create 2 more Supreme Court seats for progressives. Biden isn't yet saying that, yet, of course.

Religion being the Opiate of US Masses is always a worry. A bit of more worldly knowledge wouldn't hurt.

GhalibKabir said...

Pete@October 16, 2020 at 5:58 PM

I hope he does and hope the dems appoint at least 100 judges each year if they get senate into their hands..the SCOTUS needs to be made nut proof at least for the next 4 years.

Biden will face a virulent tough enemy that humanity has faced constantly since the time of Emperor Nero onwards i.e. 64 AD. The world's oldest surviving -->

"business+'mob'+political party+religious power" - the churches...

this is no unsubstantiated accusation/rant. history is filled with sky high evidence of their crimes. At least 100 million deaths lay at their feet between 392 AD to present date.

the churches have not survived since 37 AD by showing their other cheek...they have been ruthless with a extensive history of gruesome violence and endless genocides spanning continents ranging from Peru to the Philippines to Principe/Sao Tome in Africa.. (true altruism by them ended with the Antoine/Cyprian Plagues era before 300 AD)

The last 4 years in the US have shown how the 1968 faustian bargain has been executed so meticulously..as has been so famously said..fascism has indeed walked into America wearing nike sneakers. they won't go down without a fight and are capable of extreme cruelty

Biden can only make a start...this damage goes much much beyond trump having slowly accumulated from 1965 in it's modern avatar as visible in 2020.

Pete said...

Hi GhalibKabir [@October 16, 2020 at 10:10 PM]

While Biden looks about 10% ahead overall. The mafioso morality of Trump means Trump is not above bribing and blackmailing electoral commissions in the 10 or so "battleground/swing/tossup" states to again steal a victory.

Russian intelligence and Wikileaks hackers will try again (as in 2016) to collect-hack the information that Trump's shady loyalists then use for blackmail.

GhalibKabir said...

Your comment@October 20, 2020 at 7:10 PM

I don't doubt your assertion one wee bit. trump will do one final act of scorched earth before leaving office if he does lose.

in any case his judicial arson is now not reversible for the next few decades unless a biden admin acts to add scotus judges...which i am sure is straightforward even with a blue senate (which is doubtful as I think the republicans might still hold the senate 51-49)

Pete said...

Hi GhalibKabir [at October 21, 2020 at 6:13 PM]

1. Yes I imagine the FBI and US police forces await Trump's criminal incitement to violence in encouraging US rightwing gunmen to violently "protest" the likely Biden victory.

2. Biden nominating additional scotus judges is a democratic antidote to DTs last minutte rush appointment of a conservative one.

Re a Republican majority Senate of 51-49. It may take until the 2022 midterm elections to appoint additional Democrate Senators to break Republican senator blockage of scotus judges that the Dems choose https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_midterm_election

