October 9, 2020

How can small ASW vessels find a Submarine?

This short 6 minute, September 2020, "sub brief" Youtube at https://youtu.be/LWM259XA19I and below:

concerns the 1,000 ton Grisha-class ASW corvettes built by the Soviet Union, 1970-1990, and then by Russia and Ukraine. The American briefer was an electronic warfare submariner up to the 2000s.

If only the Grishas had the extra tonnage to carry ASW helicopters their tactics would have been far more effective in hunting "free world" submarines. See Submarine Matters' later post Soviet ASW Helicopter Tactics, of October 16, 2020.


Anonymous said...

Hi Pete,

A bit off topic but maybe of interest a tweet with a video of an A26 Blekinge class submarine model.



Pete said...

Thanks /Kjell

https://twitter.com/greensthlm/status/1314491382602649600 looks cool. It included VLS for 6 missiles. Just lacked sound portion - for me.

Here's an interesting Saab site on the A-26 https://www.saab.com/products/naval/submarines?gclid=CjwKCAjw_Y_8BRBiEiwA5MCBJojjG652WAeSSt0rcittpv9hi7IMEMzM_duTM5fEv7LYuFwTwymIuBoC6jQQAvD_BwE

with a video with dramatic music https://youtu.be/bIlSeORCzCk

