June 2, 2022

Lucas Heights Emergency Subplan: East Coast Base

Given Lucas Heights aka Barden Ridge boasts a research, medical isotope production reactor:

Here's the "LUCAS HEIGHTS EMERGENCY SUBPLAN" dated June 2019,

at https://www.nsw.gov.au/sites/default/files/2021-04/emergency-management-subplan-lucas-heights.pdf

in which Page 6 states: "Critical decisions regarding response and health strategies will be required as early as possible, with consideration of sheltering in place, relocation/evacuation and a range of health options including IODINE thyroid blocking and medical assessment/treatment, both short and longer term. 

Any of these decisions is likely to have significant resource implications that will require support at Regional and/or State and/or Commonwealth levels."

Page 8 "- If warranted, issue stable iodine to on-site personnel, onsite childcare and emergency responders." 

Page 12 "NSW Health is responsible for coordinating and controlling the mobilisation of all health responses to accidents or incidents when this Plan is activated. This includes authorising, where necessary, the distribution of stable IODINE tablets...and Provide iodine as required at evacuation centres..."

Page 18 "NSW Health is responsible for assessing the need for ongoing maintenance of iodine thyroid blocking agents and ensuring that it is appropriately stored and replaced when SHELF LIFE is exceeded. See further in ‘Response Strategies’."

and Control F for many more "iodine" references.


A major point is: if Port Kembla, Newcastle or Brisbane win the East Coast Nuclear Submarine Base (also see) competition, then Iodine Tablets will need to be stockpiled on a much larger scale than for Lucas Heights. 

Contenders Newcastle and Brisbane, in particular, have packed population suburbs very close to where a base would be built. Port Kembla seems to have a lower population close to any base site. Also Port Kembla's harbour facilities seem better laid out for a base.

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