July 12, 2020

Trump cups his own.

This poem concerning Trump's: abuse of power; abortive handling of the Coronavirus threat; failure to make his tax records public; and, manifest sleaziness, is explained by the poem's bolded links:

Trump freeing crooks a disease
Democracy falls on its knees
Might Trump contract Coronavirus
Or fall to the I.R.S.
To end Trump's egotistical sleaze?


Grampa Jim said...

Pete.. not sure if you live here in the US, but its my opinion that even though Trump is an egotistic blowhard, he's a far better alternative to a senile old man who wants to abolish suburbs, borders and refuses to criticize the torching of cities. Trump will win in 2020.

JP said...

lol...that was so bad it is funny.

Pete said...

Hi Unknown

"Pete.. not sure if you live here in the US" Yes I have lots of well placed Republican contacts in DC.

"even though Trump is an egotistic blowhard," Yes he could start a nuclear war with China and North Korea but, at least, not with his buddy Putin.

"senile old man" Yes the Republican Ronald Reagan, when senile for most of his presidency, made an excellent President BECAUSE he surrounded himself with an able "Cabinet" eg:

- Casper Weinberger (Sec Defense) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caspar_Weinberger#Secretary_of_Defense


- John Lehman (Sec Navy) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Lehman#Secretary_of_the_Navy_(1981%E2%80%931987)

Biden can follow Reagan's ABLE CABINET formula.

Cheers Pete

Pete said...


"lol...that was so bad it is funny."

No, Trump's so bad he's unfunny.

Trump sacks any able Cabinet member, because the able ones rate service to their country over abject loyalty to a third-rate president.


Anonymous said...

Could not agree more. I voted for Trump in 2016. Never again. He is incompetent and has achieved nothing of value since elected. He can't right, he speeches are boring and erratic and not based in reality. He is a political failure.

I laugh when people try to compare "biden what ifs" when trump's incompetence has led to more Americans dying than the died in the U.S military during WW1. Not to mention his utter ineptitude when it comes to maintaining the U.S economy.
He is an utter failure.
In general people who will vote trump in 2020 probably voted bush and his embarrassing presidency 20 years ago.

Pete said...

Thanks Unknown (at July 14, 2020 at 9:59 AM)

Its nice to hear your well balanced assessment.

Trump in 2016 was thoroughly unprepared for politics at any level and only became President because Hillary was a familiar, discredited, brand.

Trump fails dismally against the "Top 14 Qualities That Makes a True Leader" https://www.yourarticlelibrary.com/leadership/top-14-qualities-that-makes-a-true-leader/32393

especially regarding number "10. Emotional stability and patience:"

Trump is not only a cost to America - he puts the Western allies in fear and his Trade War is bad for the international economy.

Just 111 days to the Nov 3 Election - according to the Countdown Clock https://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/election?p0=263&iso=20201103T00&msg=2020%20US%20Presidential%20Election

Hoping the days pass quickly.

May Trump return to Pornstars-on-the-side and Wrestlemania https://youtu.be/jkghtyxZ6rc soon :)



Anonymous said...

Hi Pete

Biden has dementia [1-3]. Trump wins the race.

“Biden obviously has dementia and should withdraw from the race”

“Almost 40 PERCENT of Americans ‘think Joe Biden has dementia and 61 percent think he should publicly address it’”

“38% of Voters Think Biden Has Dementia”


Pete said...

Hi Anonymous [July 15, 2020 at 11:39 AM]

I've responded with an article of July 15 here https://gentleseas.blogspot.com/2020/07/three-dysfunctional-factors-in-us.html

