March 16, 2023

Is "USED" Virginias for Australia OFFICIAL US Policy?

All this talk about Australia only having the choice of "used" or "second hand" Virginias originally came from who? where? and when? 

Is "used" official US policy?

Thanks to A who cleared this up on March 17, 2023. More on this at next SubMatts article.


Greg said...

From what I've read, the Block II submarines Australia wishes to purchase are used (1) to reduce up-front cost, minimizing interference with SSN(X) investment, (2) reduce downstream costs, the subs are scheduled for retirement as SSN-AUKUS becomes available and (3) have the features Australia wants and no unwanted features.

My guess is that a portion of the $3B "shipyard" investment will actually be in US capacity capacity to produce the US propulsion components and the combat systems that will go into Australia's submarines.

— trying my html here

SSN-AUKUS Component Sources
◌ sonar from Thales
◌ combat system from Lockheed (like Collins class)
◌ US supplied torpedoes
◌ reactor from Rolls Royce
◌ reactor compartment will arrive as a module from Barrow
◌ down stream propulsion components (steam turbines or the turbo-electric drive?) will come from the US

Pete said...

Hi Greg

So what US or Australian Government statements talked about "used" or "second hand" Virginias

"— trying my html here" didn't work, unfortunately.

If we can clear up what looks like a self-propagating or zombie "used" or "second hand" rumour mill, or reality? in non-submarine non-specialist websites

we'd be on firmer ground to discuss Blocks.

Cheers Pete

Anonymous said...

Again from the french Perspective
The used part is not clear
May be the rational is to have as soon as possible "existing Virginia" and pay the yard extension in order tobuild faster replacement (sounds much better than second hand.. at the same time to sweeten the USN..)
The Aus do not have that much choice as they shifted their policy w/o thinking thru the implications (or more exactly ignoring it)and jump in the water...This shift is completely understable but Australia with its wealth and its geograghy, was worth the effort for the US..The execution , again , is unbelivebable clumsy