In view of the Russia-US alliance (RUS)
Australia looks to China, free of any pangs as to our traditional links or
kinship with America. [1] considering [2]
Australia's newfound knowledge of Virginia SSN technology will be
of considerable value in the transfer of technology prior to our purchase of Type 095 SSNs. [3]
So true Pete. You sum it up well.
Australia can always buy Indian Project 77 boats.
Hi Shawn
I thought about India's future SSNs But:
1. Project 77 will rely on large amounts of Russian hull and reactor ToT. So Australia may indirectly be joining the RUS alliance of the nuclear weapon superpowers. and
2. Project 77 will be India's first SSN development effort. It has taken/taking the US, Russia and China at least 3 decades and 3 SSN generations to develop a high quality stealthy design.
India may be no different. Australia is even further behind.
So it may be in the 2060s that India is ready to export SSNs.
Thanks Pete. I have never in my life felt less confident of US security guarantees to Australia for AUKUS or anything else. There are multiple examples coming out now.
In this context US promises of Virginia supply to the RAN look hollow.
At the same time, my confidence that the current Australian government or opposition has the intellect and will to define a new security architecture for Australia is equally low. It would require those responsible to admit a massive error.
Thanks Anonymous at 3/09/2025 11:33 AM
I'll use your comment and links as an article this week.
Cheers Pete
Hi Pete,
Have you seen the slightly optimistic Navy Outlook perspective on the recent AUKUS SIS?
Australia should seriously consider cancelling the ‘down payment’ made to buy three second-hand Virginia class in 2032 and order six Tiagei-class follow-ons, perhaps building the last two at ASC, then switching over to the AUKUS-SSN
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