September 28, 2024

A "New Chinese Nuclear Submarine Zhao-class Type 041" Uninformed

The Mainstream Media (MSM) particularly the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) (which is paywalled) appears to be delving into US worries about China to boost sales. The WSJ has triggered rumours amongst the uninformed about an allegedly new nuclear attack submarine (SSN) that sunk at Wuhan. 

Here is a public access MSN link carrying the otherwise paywalled WSJ story

Perhaps the WSJ's most accurate observation is: "American officials haven’t detected any indication that Chinese officials have sampled the water or nearby environment for radiation."

US intelligence could easily test for radiation. Lack of radiation suggest we are talking about a non-nuclear conventional submarine.

You'll note WSJ doesn't mention a Type 041. Like "Chinese whispers" uninformed chatter that the Type 041 is new appears to be imaginative headlining by other journalists and X-men. 

Even an expert from Australia’s prestigious Lowy Institute appears to accept the Type 041 is new - talking of "a previously unheard of new design called the Type 041" see  

See the Type 039A aka the Type 041 at  

A conventional Type 041 with an X-form rudder may well have sunk (or taken in excess water) at China's conventional submarine shipyard near the far inland river city of Wuhan. But speculation the allegedly sunk submarine is nuclear powered seems a wilful invention based on vague sources.   

The designation Type 041 (a conventional diesel-electric submarine) just happens to be 20 years old. The Type 041 was mentioned in 2007 as existing since December 2004.

See the Chinese report dated July 18, 2007 -

"Analysis of the Chinese Navy's new Type 041 Yuan-class diesel-electric attack submarine (Photos)

Compiled by Du Dongdong

  This is the first diesel-electric attack submarine built by the mainland [China] after the 039 "Song" class diesel-electric submarine. Like the "Song" class, it was built by the Wuhan Shipyard. The first submarine was launched on May 31, 2004, and the second one was launched in December of the same year, [2004] code-named Type 041."

My friend Shawn C. also rightly observed:

"I do find it particularly strange that the PRC would dock a super secret new SSN at the Wuhan [conventional submarine aka] SSK facilities, as it's right smack in the middle of the busy Yangtze River.

A new PRC SSN is not mentioned in the 'China Naval Modernization' Congressional Research Service report [that's at ] I shared with [Pete] (note that it's not classified and uses Open Sources)"

It is also curious the uninformed have missed the fact that China only builds conventional submarines at Wuhan to date (see the Type 039A aka the Type 041  

While China builds nuclear submarines hundreds of kms away on the coast at Bohai Shipyard at Huludao. See China's latest SSN, the Type 093

Before the MSM accepts there is a Type 041 nuclear submarine they should keep an eye out for any confirmation from a named Pentagon spokesperson, preferably with a US Navy background.

1 comment:

Shawn C said...

Wuhan is 840km upriver from Shanghai, so I was just thinking about how a potential radiation leak there would spread down the Yangtze.