June 14, 2020

Trump: Russia's Top Agent of Influence

Judging by this June 1st phone hookup, Trump and Putin remain on excellent terms.

"President Trump of the "high IQ" boast likes to win. He’s such a winner that he’s won the SVR award for Russia’s Most Valuable Agent of Influence, with special mention for "Damage to American Democracy" and "Trashing the Western Alliance”. For Russia's best agents, involved in Operation Trump The Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" and even "The Order of St. Andrew" are insufficient. Each has been awarded the ultimate accolade, “Hero of Trump's Dump”.

Trump's latest trick? NBC reports, June 12, 2020 https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/trump-authorizes-sanctions-international-criminal-court-officials-n1229916 

"The Trump administration launched an attack [June 11, 2020] on the International Criminal Court, which is set up to prosecute war crimes and genocide [the Trump administration] authorizing economic sanctions against officials investigating or prosecuting U.S. personnel without Washington’s consent." 

Here's the “Trump, PUTIN's PUPPET song” 



SPI said...

Keep the political crap off of here.

JP said...

"Orange man bad" cringe...lol

Pete said...

Are. Nothing like stirring Trump's troglodytes.

"Orange Man" is the ultimate accolade for Trump critics who believe in Democracy. https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/orange-man-bad

Democracy? Something Trump's billionaire Daddy couldn't buy :)