I publish on subs, other naval, nuclear weapons & broad political issues. Aussie sub changes are slow: talk since 2009 rather than actual new subs. On the Collins LOTE 2028-2040 see https://www.asa.gov.au/sites/default/files/documents/2024-10/CollinsClassLOTE-Factsheet.pdf . Trump may decide to cancel the AUKUS Virginia offer due to USN advice the USN
needs all operational SSNs through to the 2040s to mainly face China. Gessler & Shawn C are excellent contributors.
December 21, 2015
Christmas in Australia 2015
Australia's Christmas (being Southern Hemisphere) is the hottest time of year. Temperatures average around 30ºC (86ºF) during the day and 17ºC (63ºF) at night. Christmas feasts are frequently at midday on December 25 and often seafood (especially prawns/shrimp on the barbie), ham and turkey, duck or black swan (yummy :)
a collins sub enjoys a tropical sunset at christmas ---
The beach on a hot christmas day
a typical australian christmas carol ---
aussie christmas 1958 australia was more british then
--- Santa's submarine sleigh is pulled by 6 ravenous great white sharks, known as "boomers" (Photo courtesy) ---
Japan’s iconic food in Xmas is Kentucky Fried Chicken. I cannot send KFC, so I introduce a video of 212A submarine (U-31) as a Xmas present. It is German, but still very interesting. https://www.ndr.de/fernsehen/sendungen/die_nordstory/Die-Orkanfahrt-von-U-31,sendung447848.html
Hi Pete,
You want to trade places, I have snow over here
Hi Nicky
No way I wanta trade places.
All those sleighs, snowmen, Turkeys, eggnog, charroling, Santas who really need their outfits.
Have yourself a Merry Little Christmas https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nZ6yQgBvuoI
Hi Pete
Japan’s iconic food in Xmas is Kentucky Fried Chicken. I cannot send KFC, so I introduce a video of 212A submarine (U-31) as a Xmas present. It is German, but still very interesting. https://www.ndr.de/fernsehen/sendungen/die_nordstory/Die-Orkanfahrt-von-U-31,sendung447848.html
Happy New Year S
Thankyou for the Christmas present. Looked like stormy weather for U-31.
Here is a Youtube "KFC Christmas Japan: A delicious alternate reality" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SFw-TZzqX8M , Enjoy :)
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