July 1, 2024

Taboo Topics July 1, 2024: US, UK & French Elections

1. In last week’s US Presidential debate Biden distinguished himself as a pollycodger already too old to lead the US, let alone lead it until 2029. It could be Biden sees himself as America's best hope to stop unhinged Trump again becoming POTUS, but whether Biden is realistic is doubtful. Since the 2020 Presidential debates Biden has aged rapidly. From a 50% Sportsbet chance of winning 6 months ago current odds are Biden only has a 20% chance. Meanwhile congenitally lying Trump has a 62% chance in the 6th (Aussie time) November Presidential Election. If Biden chooses to stand down beforehand likely Democrat replacements are Gavin Newsom (56yo Governor of California), Michelle Obama (60yo, ex-First Lady and senior executive), Gretchen Witmer (52yo Governor of Michigan), Kamala Harris (VP), screeching Hillary (nooo!!!) and Taylor Swift (at 500 to 1). Go Swifty!!

2. French politics are quite broad - having a large far right and a small Communist Party. The first round of the French parliamentary election (which is not a Presidential election) was held on 1 July 2024 our time, The second round will be held on 8 July our time. Long time far right leader Marine Le Pen says voters want to “turn the page” as early estimates suggest her party is making big gains. Fears are growing that Le Pen’s anti-immigration and frequently anti-Semitic National Front might win, controlling the French Parliament. All more exciting than Aussieland's boring moderation!?

3. Another boring glasses wearing middle aged white guy git (like me) named Keir Starmer, who leads Britain’s Labour Party, is likely to win Saturday 6th July (Aus times) UK Elections in a landslide. This is after 14 years of Conservative Party Brexiteer misrule. French and UK elections relevant to Oz?

4. A rocky island on the Scottish coast is covered with garden gnomes but nobody knows exactly how they got there. The gnomes first appeared there in 2010, with some people speculating they were left by a local fisherman or the Loch Ness Monster’s younger sister Nellie. All true except for Lochie’s sister’s name. Should garden gnomes run for Parliament?

5. Coral and Christine’s Factcheck: Kangaroos are usually left handed. Proof? Kangaroos rarely play tennis with their right hands.

6. [If there’s time] In a May 2024 Senate speech Fatima Payman broke ranks with the ALP by accusing Israel of genocide in Gaza, criticising her own Labor Party for failing to condemn Israel's war crimes in Gaza, and called for sanctions against Israel. This was before she crossed the floor, in late June, supporting a Green’s resolution that Australia recognise a Palestinian state and she said she’d do it again. She has been suspended from the Labor caucus but can come back if she says sorry. Is she right?

7. Taboo idea. If Australia had peace loving nuclear weapons they would benefit all. This is noting France and the UK each use only one submarine (with 8 to 16 nuke missiles) at any one time, to deter Russia’s maximum of around 10,000 warheads. Four Baby Boomers for Australia in the future?

8. Assange’s return has been a boring fizzer - with Jules very quiet, so far.